"Killmonger" of Black Panther

The first time that i saw Black Panther was this year at one year of their premier. A lot of people were tell me that it was a fantastic movie, and it had win a lot of awards. I had the impression that was a film that it wasn't a typical to superheroes. When i saw it, i am interesed to much in the created of the settings, the weapons, and the technolgy, but what caught my attention the most was the create of the character of  the villain "Killmonger". He is a criminial with a unknown orgins, and in principle wants what any villain wants, power for something. But, he is a villian that have a past, and throughout the film he express diferent points of his reasons for he's the way he is. Principaly, his caracter represents both personal problems and the history of an oppressed people. He has a critical opinion about the first world and the people of his native village. This duality of reasons makes us think the villain is also a victim and his intentions are not bad. In the finally of this movie the villian is very sincere and he don't abandon his opinions,  he is sure of that the enemy is not he, if not that the people that have atorment his people.

I very like this character because not simple and don't represent the typical villian that is pure evil. Is like the real life, with personal problems and an important historical burden.

Resultado de imagen para Killmonger


  1. This movie is great, somthing that I really like was the music made by Kendrick Lamar


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